Economic nutrition guide workshop

Ward-specific, in-person event

On February 22, 2023, as the inaugural session of “Ideas, Welcome”, a new pilot project aiming to engage citizens motivated by progressive ideas for civic impact, the Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre, in partnership with Incubator 13, hosted a 2-hour economic nutrition guide workshop.

Over a dozen members of the community participated in the interactive workshop, which aimed to get individuals thinking about the impact of their individual purchases at the community level. Participants also contributed to the development of a first draft of an economic nutrition guide specific to Ward 13, namely the Rideau-Rockcliffe area in the eastern part of Ottawa (currently still in progress).

Based on post-event participant feedback, a tweaked facilitator’s guide and workshop worksheet have been developed (see below) for communities interested in running their own economic nutrition guide workshops. Contact if you are looking for support in getting started.

Photos from the workshop

Introducing the economic nutrition guide concept

Workshop activity and group discussion

Further resources:

Video introduction to the economic nutrition guide

Economic nutrition guide – workshop facilitator’s guide (download as .pdf) (April 2023)

Economic nutrition guide – workshop worksheet (download as .pdf) (April 2023)